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Plastic surgery is done in almost every country in the world, regardless of their political and economic climates. One would think that such plastic surgery may be just reconstructive procedures in some of the more ‘extreme’ conditions of some countries, but cosmetic procedures exist just as well. Perhaps not as extensively performed as in the U.S., but the basics of cosmetic surgery exist in the most unlikely of places. This is illustrated by a recent BBC report on cosmetic plastic surgery, in of all places, Afghanistan. While Afghanistan is understandably perceived as that of war, poverty and lawlessness, cosmetic surgery appears to be growing in popularity particularly amidst younger Afghans. The experience earned from years of treating war injuries has created a new generation of surgeons with translatable skills to more delicate cosmetic procedures. The predominant procedures include rhinoplasty, facelifts and liposuction in women and, interestingly, hair transplant and eyebrow tattoos for men. Not surprisingly, the costs of such procedures in Afghanistan is surprisingly low often just 10% of what they might cost in Europe and the U.S.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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