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The Guinness Book of World Records has many accomplishments, some noteworthy and others just downright weird. It should be no surprise then there is a world record for the person who has had the most number of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. As of 2011 that record is credited to Cindy Jackson who lives in the UK. At age 55, she has had just slightly less procedures than that of her age at 52. These include 14 major operations including five facelifts, liposuction, Botox and many injectable filler treatments to her face and hands. For that many procedures she looks quite good and incredibly not overdone. This is a testament to having many smaller procedures of which none of them were too drastic or overpulled or overplumped. A little does go a long way…even if it is done many times.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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