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The treatment of facial aging has a new twist. Rather than lifting and removing loose skin in a traditional facelift procedure, the concept of adding rather than subtracting has gained some notoriety. The ‘5 Minute Facelift’ employs injectable fillers to add substance to facial areas that have undergone structural changes due to volume loss. Areas such as the cheeks and temples are prone to hollowing as one ages and adding back volume can help restore facial shape and provide a subtle improvement. Because the face is being partially ‘reinflated’, it is said to be lifted. Restoring volume with injectable fillers can help improve the dimensions of one’s facial features and even symmetry as well. But calling this office-based procedure a facelift is a bit magnanimous. For the younger patient with some volume loss, this ‘liquid facelift’ may be very helpful. But for those older patients with more advanced signs of facial aging, a surgical facelift that takes a few hours is more appropriate.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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