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LipoDissolve offers an alternative non-surgical treatment option for select fat problems. While liposuction, when it was originally in the United States in 1981, was to be used for ‘spot reduction’ (and we know its application has been extended well beyond that initial use), successful use of LipoDissolve really depends on the spot reduction concept. Careful patient selection is of the utmost importance in getting good results with an injection-based fat reduction treatment.

After using LipoDissolve in my plastic surgery practice now for two years and having performed hundreds of injection sessions, I have developed my own system for patient selection.

This is a simple system based on one practical consideration, how would LipoDissolve compare to Liposuction for each patient’s problem. I divide patients into 4 types. Type 1 problems are ideal for LipoDissolve treatments as one can expect close to similar results if the area was similarly treated with liposuction. This includes areas about the size of your hand and could include areas such as the neck, small abdominal areas, flanks, back rolls, small saddlebags, and the knees. Generally an area that is small enough that it would be hard to justify the expense of going to the operating room for liposuction surgery. Type 2 patients are the opposite of Type 1. In Type 2 fat concerns, liposuction would result in a much better result than LipoDissolve, often considerably so. These would be larger areas or a combination of more than 3 Type 1 areas. The entire abdomen, combination of inner and outer thighs, back, buttocks, or large flanks are typical Type 2 areas. Type 3 areas are patients who have had liposuction and have some residual areas of irregularities due to underresection. (postoperative LipoDissolve therapy) Type 4 patients are those have have fat tumors known as lipomas. I have found lipomas respond particularly well to LipoDissolve injections, although large ones may require 4 to 5 treatments for complete eradication.

With this relatively simple system of classification, it is easy to not only carefully select those patients most likely to be happy with LipoDissolve therapy but it also makes it easy to counsel patients and make them understand their candidacy for treatment or why liposuction is a better treatment option.

Dr Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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