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This is is the fastest way that I know that the ‘six-pack’ abdominal look can be achieved…even if it is not permanent. But what creates those stomach lines that many of us envy and would like to have and the fence wires have created? Those are known as the abdominal inscriptions. These are tendinous insertions within the rectus abdominus muscles that are usually at the level of the belly button, just below the sternum and about halfway between those two. If well defined, these can create a ‘six-pack’ look. In some people there is also a tendinous insertion below the belly button and this creates an ‘eight-pack’ look. The ability to have a six- or eight pack look is not only dependent on having good muscular definition but also a low body fat percentage due to either being an athlete or simply a young teenager with low body weight. What is the purpose of these tendinous insertions? They assist the rectus abdominus muscle with forward flexion of the lumbar region of the vertebral column, creating forward bending at the waist. If the rectus muscles did not have tendiinous insertions, forward bending at the waist would still be possible but just not as far. Without them one may not be able to bend over and pick up an object or stretch forward.

One can cheat to get a six- or eight pack abdominal look through liposuction. Small cannula liposuction can remove linear lines of fat along the horizontal areas where the inscriptions would be as well as a midline vertical line where the two paired rectus abdominal muscle meet. This plasic surgery technique is known as abdominal etching. It works best on thinner patients who do not have a lot of abdominal fat and have a fairly lean and more athletic build. And it looks better and more natural on this type of patient as well.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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