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A strong jawline has been deemed as both a desireable and attractive male facial feature for millenia. A strong male jawline is not a passing fad or temporary fashion statement. It has been and always will be an important feature of a male face. Everyone knows that a strong jawline implies increased masculinity and increased attractiveness. But where does this impression come from and why? Face shape and structure has long been considered a good indicator of dominance. A rounded chin is viewed as more feminine than a more square stronger chin. Recent research has shown that during ovulation women seek out masculine-appearing men whose features suggest high testosterone levels which would indicate a high fertility and well as good quality genes that can be passed on to their offspring. Strong jawlines also imply dominance over other males which may be most important when a woman is at or near their peak fertility. Like so many desireable physical features of men and women, its basis lies deep in history with the need to secure a mate, procreate, and pass along good genes.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana


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