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Rhinoplasty (nosejob) surgery can make a dramatic difference in the appearance of one’s face and an overall improvement in self-image. What to expect and how to take of your new nose right after surgery is an important part of the recovery process. Here are my top ten instructions that I provide to my rhinoplasty patients.

1. After the operation, you nose will be covered by tapes and a splint for both
protection and to keep down the amount of swelling.dressings. These will stay
in place for one week and be removed in the office. It is ok to get it wet in the
shower as it will not easily come off.
2. Nasal packing is rarely used and is not a routinue part of the nasal dressing.
A gauze pad (drip pad) will be secured on the upper lip to catch any oozing
from the nose. Change this as needed. It does not need to be used after the
first few days.
3. The use of an ice pack to your nose and eyes for the first 48 hours will help
limit the amount of swelling and bruising that may develop. (if your bones were
broken as part of the rhinoplasty operation) If not, then ice packs will not be
4. Keeping your head elevated for the first week after surgery is also helpful in
reducing swelling and making your breathing easier. This can be done by
sleeping in a recliner or on 2 to 3 pillows. Do not bend over as this may cause
5. Difficulty breathing through the nose can be expected immediately after
surgery due to swelling of the internal nasal linings. Saline (salt water) nasal
sprays may be started after the first postoperative week to moisturize the
lining and loosen any crusts. This is only important if you have had simultaneous
surgery on the inside of the nose to improve breathing.
6. In certain types of rhinoplasties (open), small skin sutures will be placed in
the columella. (skin between the nostrils)These are dissolvable and do not need to be
7. Avoiding blowing your nose for 3 weeks after surgery so as not to loosen any
clots and cause bleeding.
8. Eyeglasses may be worn across the bridge of the nose when it feels
9. Avoid strenuous exercise such as jogging and other sporting activities for
3 weeks after surgery so as not to disturb nasal healing.
10. Once the obvious swelling and bruising are gone within the first few weeks, the
nose will still continue to change shape over the next several months. Be
patient with the results until the final shape is obtained.
Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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