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Sientra Breast Implants – Third U.S. Manufacturer Approved

  The number of breast implant manufacturers has now officially increased to three.  Twenty years ago there were as many as six companies that commercially sold breast implants for both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. But when the silicone gel breast implant moratorium occurred in 1991 and the legal and financial fallout ensued, the number of Read More…

The PIP Breast Implant Problem

For twenty years, breast implants have been scandal-free since the FDA moratorium on silicone-gel containing devices in 1991. With the lack of any medical evidence substantiating health risks with their use, they were reintroduced  in the U.S. in 2006 after fifteen years of concentrated study. As the U.S. use of silicone gel breast implant continues Read More…

Case Study: Breast Augmentation with Lollipop Lifts

Background:  Breast augmentation remains one of the most commonly performed body contouring operations because it can successfully increase the size of a breast mound in a very short period of time. While the underlying implant makes the breast bigger, the final appearance of the breast is influenced by more than just the size and shape Read More…

Case Study: Breast Augmentation and Its Effects On Stretch Marks

Background:Breast augmentation works because it is a synthetic implant that makes the breasts bigger. While it is true that the role of the plastic surgeon is critical to get good implant placement in the proper position and as symmetrically as possible, but in the end the implant itself plays a major role in the final Read More…

The Phases of Breast Augmentation Recovery

  Breast augmentation is one of the most dramatic of all the body contouring operations. In just an hour in most cases, the breast mound is enlarged and the entire shape of the chest wall changed through the insertion of a synthetic implant. While the operation is short and the change is immediate, the actual Read More…

Breast Implant Complications – Intrathoracic Displacement

  In a case report that appeared in the December 15th issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, a women ‘swallowed’ her breast implant during a pilates exercise. The news media was quick to pick up and publicize this finding, sometimes in a sensational manner. On the surface, this breast implant story does sound Read More…

Remote-Controlled Breast Tissue Expanders

  While current implants offer excellent results in breast augmentation, they are not perfect. One of the concerns both before and after breast augmentation for many patients is…what if they are not big enough? And even if they appear of good size right after surgery, some women will eventually feel after time that they are Read More…

The Role of Pictures in Planning for Breast Augmentation Surgery

  The goal of breast augmentation surgery is to achieve both a bigger size and a better shape of the breasts. Understandably, women spend a great deal of time before surgery pondering what they want their after surgery breasts to look like. Using pictures of breasts, with or without implants, is a common method of Read More…

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