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OR Snapshots – Transpalpebral Brow Bone Reduction in Facial Asymmetry

The typical perception of brow bone reduction is a horizontal decrease in the projection of the supaorbital rims. Such surgery is done for either the male who has large ‘Neanderthal-like’ brow bones or in facial feminization surgery for either transgender or non-transgender patients. While such facial bony reductions can be done by burring alone, more Read More…

OR Snapshots – Transpalpebral Brow Bone Reduction

Brow bone reduction surgery reduces the prominence of the lower forehead bone just above the eyes. It is most commonly done in men for large “Neanderthal’ like brow bone protrusions or in male to female transgender facial feminization surgery. Whether it is done using a bone burring method or a more complete osteoplastic bone flap Read More…

OR Snapshots – Brow Bone Reduction by Burring

Brow bone reduction is useful for both men and women who have frontal sinus development that creates an unaesthetic appearance. It is far more commonly done in men whether it be for reduction of very prominent brow bone protrusions or as part of an overall facial feminization surgery for male to female transgender patients. In Read More…

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