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Fixation of the Anterior Osteotomy in Cheekbone Reduction Surgery

Cheekbone reduction surgery is indicated when excessive midfacial width desires to be reduced. It is a well known surgery that is done by cutting through the main body of the zygoma anteriorly and the thinner end of the zygomatic arch posteriorly. Plate and screw fixation is the best way to secure the inwardly repositioned posterior Read More…

The Posterior Zygomatic Arch Osteotomy for Posterolateral Cheek Reduction

Cheekbone reduction surgery is a well known procedure that moves the width of the external cheek appearance inward. It is most commonly done with an intraoral anterior osteotomy through the main body of the zygoma combined with a percutaneous osteotomy through the posterior end of the zygomatic arch. This allows the cheekbone (zygomatic body and Read More…

Technical Strategies – Percutaneous Zygomatic Arch Osteotomy Technique

Cheekbone reduction is a common facial reshaping surgery to help narrow the wide midface. It achieves this effect by bringing inward the convexity of the zygomatic arch. Through an intraoral anterior osteotomy through the zygomatic body and an osteotomy through the posterior process of the zygomatic arch before it attaches to the temporal bone through Read More…

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