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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Total Vertical Jawline Augmentation

Background: Lower jaw deficiencies are most commonly perceived as being of the horizontal variety. A short chin invokes the need for horizontal chin augmentation and this certainly is the most common jaw augmentation procedure. It is also the simplest and most easily performed. But jaw deficiences can occur in other dimensions as well and their Read More…

Chin Implant Bone Imprinting

The use of a chin implant for an increase in lower facial projection is often combined with other procedures (e.g., rhinoplasty) as well as done as an isolated chin augmentation. It has a long history of use in aesthetic facial surgery dating back over fifty years and nearly every available biomaterial has been tried as Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study: Sliding Geniopasty with Indwelling Chin Implant

Background: Horizontal chin augmentation can be done using either a synthetic chin implant or a sliding genioplasty. There are advantages and disadvantages with either approach and they must be considered in an individual patient basis. The decision in any patient ultimately depends on their perception of an alloplastic vs. an autogenous approach, the risks of Read More…

Technical Strategies – Square Chin Implant and Vertical Cleft Creation

Chin augmentation is most commonly done by placement of a synthetic silicone implant. Chin implants today come in a wide variety of dimensions, historically providing only horizontal projection, but now available in vertical lengthening styles as well. For men chin implants are even available to provide an increase in width, also known as a square Read More…

Jaw Makeovers for Men and Women

The jaw makeover seems to be one of the newer requested facial cosmetic procedures. Women and men grab their necks and stroke their jawline looking back on the days when it was much tighter and more defined. Men are particularly focused on their jawline feeling that a more prominent one would improve their appearance as Read More…

The Role of the Chin in Profileplasty

It is very common that multiple procedures are done on the face at the same time. Whether it be for anti-aging effects or for reshaping a face, combinations of procedures produce more profound changes. This is because the face is made up of many different parts and making significant changes often requires altering more than Read More…

Case Study: Facelift with Chin-Prejowl Augmentation

Background:  Aging of the face takes on many predictable changes but none is more evident than what occurs along the jawline. The once more discernible and sharp jawline becomes lost as jowls appear and the neck sags. The neck angle becomes more obtuse, the chin may appear shorter, and the transition between the face and Read More…

The Uniqueness of Male Plastic Surgery – Facial Procedures

The facial aging process is one that is well known as everyone will eventually see it on their face. The eyes get heavy, the brows descend, the cheek fall, jowls develop and the neck sags. Women become concerned earlier in the aging process and proceed to do procedures to treat or slow it down in Read More…

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