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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Infected Mesh Chin Implant Removal

Background: Chin augmentation has been done by a variety of materials over the years. Each biomaterial used has is own unique handling and tissue response characteristics. But fundamentally these materials come down to those with a smooth or non-smooth outer surface. Materials with a non-smooth surface are associated with varying degrees of tissue adherence and/or Read More…

Conform Chin Implants and Their Capsules

Chin implants are the most historic of all facial implants. As a result they have been through the greatest number of design changes and resultant size availabilities. Initial introduced a button shape the biggest design advancement came in the 1990s with the introduction of extended anatomic designs. This was a logical extension of the implant’s Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Vertical Lengthening Chin Implant Replacement

Background: Chin augmentation is most commonly done using an implant. While standard chin implants comes in various styles and sizes, they all provide their effect though a horizontal increase of chin projection. While this fits in well with most patient’s aesthetic needs, some chin deficient patients have a more 3D dimensional deficiency. Vertical deficiency or Read More…

OR Snapshots – From Chin Implant to Custom Jawline Implant

The traditional approach to jaw augmentation has been a chin implant for many decades. Bringing the front part of the lower jaw forward is the common perception of improving the contour of the lower third of the face. Chin augmentation is commonly performed in young patients and is also often part of a facelift in Read More…

Indications for Custom Chin Implants in Chin Augmentation

Chin implants are the original and most frequently performed facial implant augmentation procedure. With an over fifty year history of clinical use it is no surprise that a wide variety of implant styles and sizes of each have become available. Despite the relatively small size of the bony chin, many different implant shapes have evolved Read More…

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