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The Geniohyoid Muscle in Vertical Chin Reduction

There are many types of dimensional changes that can be done to the bony chin. From an osteotomy standpoint, the most common bony movement is horizontal of the down fractured segment with the well known sliding genioplasty procedure. This is effective at not only moving the bone but also has the benefit of moving the Read More…

OR Snapshots – Vertical Lengthening Genioplasty with Interpositional Graft

Chin augmentation is traditionally thought as a choice between a chin implant and a sliding genioplasty. While seen as the two procedure choices for chin reshaping they are not really interchangeable. Besides the difference between synthetically augmenting the bone vs actually cutting and moving the bone, they can achieve different dimensional chin changes. The one Read More…

The Need for Interpositional Grafting in Vertical Lengthening Genioplasty

The sliding genioplasty is a well known chin augmentation procedure that is commonly used for horionzontal advancement. But cutting and moving the chin bone can be done for other dimensional changes of which vertical lengthening is also a good indication. Historically vertical lengthening of the chin could only be done with an opening bony genioplasty. Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Four-Piece Total Jawline Augmentation

Background: The desire for a more pronounced and visible lower jawline exists in both men and women. The surgical methods to do so are more commonly requested by men particularly when it comes to a substantially larger jawline change. Making a jawline more evident focuses on increasing the size and shape at its ‘corners’, that Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Asian V Line Surgery

Background: Reshaping of the entire jawline to a more slim or narrowed shape has become known as V line surgery. It is most commonly done in Asians to change a wide and more square jaw to a more narrow and triangular one. It is a bony reshaping surgery which focuses on the chin anteriorly and Read More…

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