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Technical Strategies – Submental Vertical Chin Reduction

Chin reduction poses challenges that other facial bone reductions don’t. Because it is a projecting structure with a tight soft tissue pad attachment, consideration must be given to what will happen to the ‘extra’ soft tissue once the bone is reduced. In addition the chin reduction technique used can also have an influence on the Read More…

Surgical Technique of Intraoral Vertical Chin Reduction

Reduction of a large chin is far less frequently done than chin augmentation. And it is a procedure that is highly gender influenced, more women have it done than men. As a result, information on chin reduction is less available including the various techniques used to perform it. Like chin augmentation and in selecting how Read More…

Current Concepts in Horizontal and Vertical Chin Reduction

Chin reduction, while less commonly performed than chin augmentation, is also an important form of chin reshaping surgery that can improve one’s profile. It involves changing the size and possibly the shape of the chin in order to make it appear smaller. It is far more commonly performed in females than in men. It is Read More…

Basic Concepts of Chin Reshaping Surgery

Like the nose, the chin is a major component of the facial profile. Surgically more rhinoplasties are performed for aesthetic facial improvements than chin reshaping procedures. But this speaks more to the combined functional and complex aesthetic deformities caused by the nose compared to the isolated aesthetic effects of the chin which is structurally simpler Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Submental Chin Reduction Technique in Females

Background: Chin deficiency is the most common aesthetic deficiency in men while chin excess is fairly uncommon. In women, however, excessive chin deformities are far more common. Such macrogenias (large chins) occur in two main dimensions, horizontal and vertical, and often presents as a combination of both. Excessive width often occurs as well but always Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Submental Technique for Vertical Chin Reduction

Background: Excessive chin projection can occur in numerous dimensions and often involves multiple dimensional excesses concurrently. But isolated chin excesses or single dimensional macrogenias (large chins) do occur and presents as either in the horizontal or vertical dimensions. Vertical macrogenia can be effectively treated through two different approaches unlike many other types of large chins. Read More…

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