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Technical Strategies – Placement of Custom Jawline Implants

A custom jawline implant offers a 3D augmentation effect on the lower face. Since it is a wrap around implant, the largest aesthetic implant that can be placed on the face, its covers the entire inferolaterakl surface area of the lower jaw. In essence it is like placing a new jaw on top of the Read More…

Concepts and Misconceptions of the Square Chin Implant

Chin augmentation is a common aesthetic request for lower third of the face enhancement. Most chin augmentation patients are seeking horizontal augmentation as the primary change which is best appreciated in the profile view. But the chin is a 3D structure due to being a solitary projecting structure which has other dimensional considerations as well.  Read More…

Injectable Fillers and Custom Jawline Implants

While injectable fillers were initially not intended to be a facial bone augmentation method, it is now commonly done. The development of injectable fillers that have higher viscosities with stronger soft tissue displacements effects have led to their use for chin, jawline, cheek, midface and brow bone augmentations. Many of these fillers have longer lasting Read More…

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