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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Bilateral Removal of Medpor Jaw Implants with Immediate Custom Jaw Implant Replacements Through an Exclusive Transcutaneous Approach

Background: The traditional approach to aesthetic jaw implant surgery is a combination of intraoral (2) and external incisions. (1) The intraoral incisions are needed to access the jaw angle region where that portion of the implants are placed on the bone under the masseter muscle. While the intraoral approach to the jaw angles is scarless, Read More…

Guidelines for Improved Custom Jawline Implant Designs

The custom jawline implant provides the most significant aesthetic change to the lower third of the face. This is due to its ability to affect all three dimensions of the jawline as it wraps around it. While there are various factors that affect the aesthetic outcome in the placement of a custom jawline implant, tissue Read More…

The Submental Incision Scar Outcome in Custom Jawline Implants

The most aesthetic changer of the shape of the lower third of the face is a custom jawline implant. By wrapping around and augmenting the inferolateral border of the entire jawline the trasition between the face and neck becomes more evident. In terms of surface area coverage the jawline implant is the largest facial implant Read More…

Technical Strategies – Opening Wedge Genioplasty with Custom Jawline Implant For The Vertically Short Chin and Jawline

Vertical lengthening of the chin is an interesting procedure that entails different considerations than traditional horizontal chin augmentation. It differs because the techniques to elongate the chin are not well known or used as the diagnosis of vertical chin deficiency is frequently overlooked. From a traditional standpoint vertical chin lengthening was perceived as only being Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Female Custom Jawline Implant for V Line Jaw Reshaping in Treacher Collins Syndrome

Background: Syndromic jaw deficiencies represent the most severe lower facial deformities that occur. There is a spectrum of such congenital craniofacial deformities of which hemifacial microsomia and Treacher Collins are the most recognized. What these syndromes share in common is that the branchial arches are affected which results in varying degrees of mandibular underdevelopment as Read More…

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