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Types and Indications of Infraorbital Rim Implants

Common aesthetic deformities of the lower eyelid include tear troughs, undereye hollows and orbitomalat grooves. While these all occur from age-related periorbital changes due to soft tissue atrophy and tissue laxity, when they are seen in young patients they are more likely a function of a bony deficiency. Specifically an infraorbital-malar deficiency the extent of Read More…

3D Assessment of Chin Implant Imprinting and Bone Overgrowth

I have previously dispelled the biologic misconception that facial implants of any material composition result in bone erosion. Improved biologic understanding through observations of indwelling facial implants using 3D CT scans show that the correct interpretation is implant imprinting of the bone. This occurs by the introduction of an implant into established biologic tissue boundaries Read More…

Contemporary Understanding of Facial Implant Bone Imprinting By 3D CT Scans

One of the most common misconceptions about facial implants is that they cause bone erosion. Most of this perception comes from the appearance of the bone in profile in chin implants on lateral cephalometric x-rays going back many decades. Other perceptions of this phenomenon are from surgeon’s observation during chin implant removal and/or replacement where Read More…

The ePTFE Paranasal Implant for Deeper Nasolabial Folds

Central midface augmentation refers to varying amounts of pyriform aperture implant coverages. The most common area is the paranasal region which lies under the base of the nostrils. This maxillary region has a slightly concave surface contour as a defined rim of bone around the nasal cavity. It is typically treated as a skeletal deformity Read More…

Technical Strategies – ePTFE Paranasal Implant Intraoral Incisions

Augmentation of the central midface involves augmenting along the pyriform aperture bone that surrounds the nasal cavity. These include the options of premaxillary, paranasal or combined premaxillary-paranasal augmentations. Numerous materials and grafts have been used for these nasal base augmentations, all of which can be successful with good surgical technique and material/graft handling. One effective Read More…

Premaxillary Augmentation By Soft Tissue Release And Plate Fixation

Augmentation of a deficient central midface can be done by a variety of methods including anterior maxillary movements, autologous vs allogeneic bone and cartilage grafts as well as implants. Most adult patients are not going to opt for major LeFort procedures and, as a result, augmenting the premaxillary-nasal base region remains the primary method for Read More…

ePTFE Premaxillary Implant Selection and Surgical Placement

A central premaxillary region of the midface that lacks projection creates an appearance with a more acute nasolabial angle, recession of the central upper lip and even lack of nasal tip projection. Premaxillary augmentation has a long history in rhinoplasty surgery in certain ethnic noses to improve the nasolabial angle relationship but can also be Read More…

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