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The Effectiveness of Injectable Fat Grafting In Parry-Romberg Syndrome

Parry-Romberg Syndrome, sometimes called craniofacial linear scleroderma, is a are tissue atrophy disease. With a pathologic origin yet unknown it results in the onset of tissue atrophy seen externally as lines of indentation typically associated with the sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve. It s not seen at birth but begins later in childhood or Read More…

Forehead Augmentation with Fat Injections for Enhanced Convexity

Forehead augmentation is most reliably done using different bone-based augmentation materials. Whether it is bone cements or a custom implant design made from the patient’s 3D CT scan, they reliable create forehead shape changes with a strong push off of the bone’s surface. Despite its reliability, implant-based forehead augmentation is not for everyone due to Read More…

Prospective Evaluation of PRP-Enhanced Fat Grafting to the Face and Hands

Injectable fat grafting is widely used for many aesthetic and reconstructive indications. Considerable debate and research has gone into how to best create predictable fat graft volume survival. Every aspect of harvest, preparation and injection technique has been evaluated with varying opinions amongst surgeon evaluators on what is best. One method of improving fat graft Read More…

Perioral Rejuvenation with Lip Lifts and MicroFat Grafting

Aging of the mouth area has been shown to be both a function of volume loss and tissue lengthening. The upper lip lengthens and gets thinner with less volume. The nasolabial fold gets deeper. These well known effects have lead to many rejuvenative treatments to counteract these effects. One such perioral aging treatment for a Read More…

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