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Design and Surgical Placement Concepts in Custom Hip Implants

The breast and buttock regions dominate the locations for aesthetic implant augmentation on the body based on largely female requests. The hip area has become an increasingly popular request for implant augmentation due to its proximity to the buttocks and the ability to help provide some visible more feminine curves below the waistline. But the Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Creating Feminine Curves Through Rib Removal Waistline Reduction and Fat Injection Hip Augmentation

Background:  Body contouring in the transgender male to female patient is fundamentally about creating curves which is associated with a more feminine appearance. There are a variety of procedures to do so including breast augmentation, waistline reduction and hip/buttock augmentation. Not every patient needs or wants all three areas treated although the best results comes Read More…

Technical Strategies – Screw Fixation of Iliac Crest Implants

Aesthetic augmentation of the hips is largely soft tissue-based. The aesthetic hip area is traditionally perceived as variable locations below the iliac crest bone which at some point becomes the lateral thigh. The iliac crest serves as the superior boundary for hip implants and is often where the location is for their placement incisions. While Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Custom Hip Implants in the Thin Female

Background:  Hip augmentation remains one of the newer forms of body augmentation. The widespread use of fat injections for buttock augmentation has brought similar attention to the geographically proximate hip region. To some degree they are both anatomically and aesthetically connected as it is hard to see one without the other. Often volumetric and shape Read More…

The Challenges of Hip Implant Augmentation

The interest in the hip augmentation has skyrocketed as the number of adjacent buttock procedures have risen over the past decade. While some buttock procedures can create some degree of a hip augmentation effect (fat injections, subfascial implants), most of the time the resultant hip widening is seen as either short-lived (fat injections) or incomplete/inadequate. Read More…

Postoperative Instructions – Hip Implants

When augmentation of the hips has been unsuccessful by fat injections or the patient has insufficient fat to harvest, hip implants are the sole alternative. Such hip implants are usually deigned custom for each patient. Placed in a deep subcutaneous pocket on top of the TFL fascia, hip implants are introduced through a small incision Read More…

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