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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Four-Piece Total Jawline Augmentation

Background: The desire for a more pronounced and visible lower jawline exists in both men and women. The surgical methods to do so are more commonly requested by men particularly when it comes to a substantially larger jawline change. Making a jawline more evident focuses on increasing the size and shape at its ‘corners’, that Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Total Vertical Jawline Augmentation

Background: Lower jaw deficiencies are most commonly perceived as being of the horizontal variety. A short chin invokes the need for horizontal chin augmentation and this certainly is the most common jaw augmentation procedure. It is also the simplest and most easily performed. But jaw deficiences can occur in other dimensions as well and their Read More…

Case Study – Extreme Custom Jawline Implants

Background: The shape and prominence of the lower jaw has a major influence on the perceived characteristic of a male. The more defined and stronger the jawline is the more masculine a man is perceived to be. That may or may not be actually true but the perception remains that it is. At the least Read More…

Technical Strategies – Screw Fixation of Jaw Angle Implants

  The placement of jaw angle implants has many unique aspects from other facial implants. It requires dissection in the most posterior part of the face done from inside the mouth making access and visibility challenging. It requires the largest muscle on the face to be lifted off the bone (masseter muscle) to place and Read More…

Jaw Makeovers for Men and Women

The jaw makeover seems to be one of the newer requested facial cosmetic procedures. Women and men grab their necks and stroke their jawline looking back on the days when it was much tighter and more defined. Men are particularly focused on their jawline feeling that a more prominent one would improve their appearance as Read More…

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