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Case Study: Vertical Lengthening Jaw Angle Implants

Background: A more well-defined jawline has become an aesthetic goal for many men and women today. While twenty years ago it was all about the amount of horizontal chin projection of the front of the jawline (and that is still true today), the back part of the jaw (jaw angles) is also recognized now as Read More…

Case Study: Male Vertical Lengthening Jaw Angle Implants

Background: One of the emerging areas of facial implant augmentation is that of the jaw angles. While jaw angle implants have been around for nearly two decades, their designs have been exclusively made for increasing jaw angle width. While there are some patients who seek a wider and more flared posterior jawline, a width only Read More…

Case Study: Jaw Angle Augmentation in Facial Asymmetry Correction

  Background: Facial asymmetry can occur from a wide variety of bone and soft tissue deficiencies or even, more uncommonly, overgrowths. (hypertrophy) One of the most common components of facial asymmetry occurs in the jawline of the lower face. Growth abnormalities emanate from the rami of the mandible, the meeting point of the vertical and Read More…

The Uniqueness of Male Plastic Surgery – Facial Procedures

The facial aging process is one that is well known as everyone will eventually see it on their face. The eyes get heavy, the brows descend, the cheek fall, jowls develop and the neck sags. Women become concerned earlier in the aging process and proceed to do procedures to treat or slow it down in Read More…

Case Study: Strong Male Jawline Enhancement

Background: A well-defined and strong jawline is a desireable male feature. While modern culture and media have made it seem a recent attractive male trait, it has been so for as far back in history as pictures have been drawn and sculptures have been created. A strong lower facial structure provides not only good aesthetic Read More…

Jaw Angle Augmentation: Matching Implant Styles and Jaw Angle Changes

A well-defined jawline is a desired aesthetic feature of a male face. A strong lower skeletal profile not only provides a well balanced facial profile but also portrays an image of strength and virility. A strong jawline is created by the horizontal portion of the mandible (lower jaw) and composed of threee main components, the Read More…

Postoperative Instructions for Jaw Angle Implant Surgery

Jaw angle augmentation with implants changes the shape of the back part of the jaw. By placing specially shaped implants through an incision in the back part of the mouth, the jaw angles can be accentuated by either making them wider, longer or a combination of both. Different jaw angle changes requires different implant shapes Read More…

Consent for Plastic Surgery: Jaw Angle Implants

  Every plastic surgery procedure has numerous issues that every patient who is undergoing a procedure should know. These explanations are always on a consent form that you should read in detail before surgery. This consent form, while many perceive as strictly a legal protection for the doctor, is actually more intended to improve the Read More…

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