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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Inner Ankle Liposuction for Lower Leg Shaping

Background: The distribution of fat throughout the body is highly variable and is affected by numerous factors including gender, body habitus, weight, lifestyle and genetics. While excess fat (lipodystrophy) is commonly associated with a variety of central trunk areas, it can occur in the extremities as well. When occurring in the extremities without truncal adiposity, Read More…

OR Snapshots – Liposuction and the Appearance of Boiling Fat

Liposuction is one of the most common and recognized procedures in plastic surgery. By the way it looks in watching the procedure and how it is commonly perceived by the public, liposuction appears to be as simple as ‘sucking fat out’. But the reality is that it is a more complex extraction process than its Read More…

Clinic Snapshots – Pectoral Implants with Abdominal Etching

The principal method to augment the male chest is with the use of pectoral implants. Like in the female breast, the placement of a pectoral implant creates an immediate chest enlargement. The fundamental difference between a female and make chest implant is that one is a fluid-filled device while the other one is solid. The Read More…

Buffalo Hump Reduction – Open Excision vs Liposuction Removal

The buffalo hump neck deformity refers to a collection of fatty collections on the back of the neck. The size of the fat collection can vary greatly from small lipomas to very large hump-shaped fatty tumors. They can appear gradually with no apparent reason or can occur because of well known causes such as HIV Read More…

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