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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Composite Chin Augmentation (Sliding Genioplasty + Implant) and Dermal-Fat Graft Jaw Angle Grafting for Lower Facial Reconstruction in Hemifacial Microsomia

Background: Hemifacial microsomia is a well known congenital facial deformity that affects the structures that develop from the first and second brachial arches. As a result anomalies develop that includes the ear, lower jaw and mouth areas. It is a spectrum of deformities which cause varying deformities of these facial structures and, while typically occurring Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – The Vertical Lengthening Custom Jawline Implant

Background: Proportions are one measurable assessment of facial attractiveness and are an important preoperative assessment in aesthetic facial reshaping surgery. One proportionate assessment is that of the facial thirds, specifically that of the horizontal thirds. Measured by upper third (hairline to glabella), middle third (glabella to subnasale) and lower third (subnasale to menton), these should Read More…

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