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A Pictorial Explanation of Rib Removal Waistline Narrowing Surgery

Rib removal surgery for the purposes of aesthetic waistline reduction is a frequently misunderstood procedure. The name conjures up images of what is done in the surgery or how the surgery is done which leads to false perceptions about it. One of the best ways to understand the procedure better is to go through the Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Creating Feminine Curves Through Rib Removal Waistline Reduction and Fat Injection Hip Augmentation

Background:  Body contouring in the transgender male to female patient is fundamentally about creating curves which is associated with a more feminine appearance. There are a variety of procedures to do so including breast augmentation, waistline reduction and hip/buttock augmentation. Not every patient needs or wants all three areas treated although the best results comes Read More…

Surgically-Assisted Corseting with Rib Fracturing for Waistline Narrowing

Waistline narrowing is a common female body contouring request for which numerous standard surgical techniques are used. Liposuction and various types of tummy tucks are effective procedures which will work for the majority of patients. But for the cis female seeking a maximal waistline reduction or for the transgender patient who is striving to change Read More…

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