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Five Things You Didn’t Know About Custom Skull Implants

Unlike facial implants, the use of skull implants for aesthetic head reshaping has a very short history. While the use of facial implants dates back more than five decades in plastic surgery, skull implants have been done for just a few years. It has not been that skull implants are radically different or more complex Read More…

Technical Strategies – Burring for Sagittal Ridge Skull Reduction

One of the most common of all aesthetic raised skull deformities is that of the sagittal ridge. As a result of the fusion of the midline sagittal suture, bone thickening can occur between the original anterior and posterior fontanelles. In its fullest expression such sagittal suture fusion becomes a craniosynostosis. But there are numerous smaller Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study: Nuchal Ridge Skull Reduction

Background: Aesthetic skull concerns present in a variety of shapes, depressions, bumps and prominences. Some are due to birth defects and trauma but the vast majority are due to genetics and simply how the skull has developed for unknown reasons. But some aesthetic skull anomalies are there for an actual anatomic reason. Such is the Read More…

3D PEKK Implants For Complex Craniofacial Reconstructions

The concept of 3D printing of human replacement parts has been all over the medical and scientific news over the past few years. While each news release seems like it is revolutionary and new, most are the natural evolution of the refinement of 3D CT scanning and the ability to manufacture custom replacement parts from Read More…

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