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Case Study: Reduction of the Sagittal Crest Skull Deformity

Background: The shape of one’s head often takes a second place to that of the face. After all the head is but a backdrop onto which the face projects. Given that hair usually adorns most of the head’s surface, any shape issues are fairly well camouflaged. In certain skull shapes even good hair density may Read More…

Case Study: Skull Dimple Correction by Augmentation Cranioplasty

  Background: While the shape of the skull is typically smooth, it is not rare that one may have various small contour deformities. These could be raised or indented areas depending upon their location on the skull. Many of these skull shape issues are related to their initial formation through the cranial sutures and their Read More…

Spot Cranioplasty for Skull Dents and Dimples

The skull has a wide variability of external shapes and no two people have exactly the same looking head. But most of the time these skull shapes share one consistent feature…they are usually smooth. The outer bony surface has a relatively smooth convex surface which translates into a smooth feeling scalp on the outside. This Read More…

Case Study: Sagittal Ridge Reduction Skull Reshaping Surgery

Background: While many perceive that the skull is round and smooth, the reality is that is oblong and often irregular in many people. The skull is prone to lumps and bumps that often occur at its sutural interdigitations or crossroads. The cranial sutures are the last areas of the skull that ossify, often well after Read More…

Patient Testimonials: Skull Reshaping

SKULL RESHAPING     It ‘s exactly a year – to the day – you performed surgery on me for my dysmorphic skull. (anterior and posterior cranioplasty with HA and PMMA) I want to thank you for the excellent conditions under which happened for my surgery and your warm welcome and your patience and amiability Read More…

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