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Technical Strategies – Endoscopic Browlifting with Bone Tunnel Fixation

There are multiple techniques for browlifting surgery which differ by incision location and how the browlift is performed. (tissue excision vs tissue shifting) The endoscopic browlift technique is a tissue shifting method based on forehead skin and scalp relocation through subperiosteal mobilization and tissue fixation in an elevated and relocated position.While effective patients with a Read More…

Technical Strategies – Placement of Custom Infraorbital-Malar Implants

The custom infraorbital-malar implant is the definitive midfacial augmentation procedure of the eyes and cheeks. By creating a horizontal line of augmentation from under the eyes and extending out onto the zygomatic arch, it establishes a distinct high cheek bone look as well as improves undereye hollows. Between the size of the implant and the Read More…

Technical Strategies – Placement of the Custom Jawline Implant

The custom jawline implant is the definitive lower facial augmentation procedure. By wrapping around the entire border of the mandible from one jaw angle to the other, a more defined transition between the face and neck results. How much more evident the jawline becomes is a function of the size of the implant and the Read More…

Technical Strategies – The Potential 4th Ligation Site In the Multi-Level Treatment of the Prominent Anterior Branch of the Superficial Temporal Artery

The sometimes aesthetically prominent and often pulsatile artery that crosses from the temporal hairline into the forehead is the anterior branch of the superficial temporal artery. This can be very effectively treated by a multilevel ligation technique through very small incisions. Typically three microincisions are used located at the temporal hairline, lateral forehead and right Read More…

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