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Technical Strategies – Square Chin Implant and Vertical Cleft Creation

Chin augmentation is most commonly done by placement of a synthetic silicone implant. Chin implants today come in a wide variety of dimensions, historically providing only horizontal projection, but now available in vertical lengthening styles as well. For men chin implants are even available to provide an increase in width, also known as a square Read More…

Technical Strategies – Fat Injections for Lower Eyelid Ectropion

  Lower eyelid retraction, known as ectropion, occurs for a variety of reasons. The most common reasons are after an elective aesthetic lower blepharoplasty and/or midface lift or after repair of an orbital floor or cheek bone fracture. The lower eyelid retracts downward due to loss of support in one or several of its layers Read More…

Technical Strategies – Fixation of Tear Trough Implants

Treatment of the tear trough has become quite common since it has been recognized as an aesthetic deformity. A sunken in appearance in the inner aspect of the lower eyelid creates an indentation or trough that creates a shadow and the appearance of being tired or older. Its treatment has become popularized due to the Read More…

Technical Strategies – Rolling of Hand Fat Injections

One of the well known changes that happens in woman’s hands is a thinning or skeletonization look that can develop to them with aging. This is due to the loss of the subcutaneous fat on the back of the hands, creating greater exposure of the extensor tendons and the space between the bones of the Read More…

Technical Strategies – Burring for Sagittal Ridge Skull Reduction

One of the most common of all aesthetic raised skull deformities is that of the sagittal ridge. As a result of the fusion of the midline sagittal suture, bone thickening can occur between the original anterior and posterior fontanelles. In its fullest expression such sagittal suture fusion becomes a craniosynostosis. But there are numerous smaller Read More…

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