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Technical Strategies In Plastic Surgery – Laser Assisted Otoplasty

The correction of prominent ears by standard otoplasty techniques has been around for decades. Using horizontal sutures of various materials, known as Mustarde sutures, the antihelix is created or made more prominent to pull the helix of the ear back into a more asesthetically acceptable position. While there are other aspects of the ear (concha, Read More…

Technical Strategies in Plastic Surgery – Fat Grafting in Migraine Surgery

Contemporary migraine surgery for the treatment of perpheral triggers involves decompression of the involved nerves. The most common involved nerves include the supraorbital, supratrochlear and the greater and lesser occipital nerves. (the zygomaticotemporal and auriculotemporal nerves are avulsed so they are excluded)  The success of nerve decompression depends on adequate release of the enveloping muscle Read More…

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