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Technical Strategies – Frontal Hairline Placement of Temporal Implants

Temporal implants offers a permanent solution to hollowing or excessive concavity by the side of the eye. (non-hair bearing temporal region) Placed in a subfascial location they offer a safe plane of dissection and placement with no risk of neurovascular injury. Their typical placement in through a small vertical scalp incision behind the temporal hairline. Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Custom Temporal Implants for a Head Widening Effect to Complement Prior Midface and Lower Facial Augmentations

Background: The face is well known to be divided into aesthetic thirds. This aesthetic concept is important in both frontal and side views but with different dimensional effects. A lesser appreciated proportional measurement is that of facial fifths in the frontal view which relates to various transverse and vertical relationships.  From this perspective the outer Read More…

Technical Strategies – Placement of Extended Temporal Implants

Temporal implants have come into usage to create a permanent augmentation effect of the muscle to the side of the eye. Some temporal augmentation patients have been through injectable fillers and fat injections first while others opt right for a permanent surgical effect with implants. These soft and very flexible implants are designed to replicate Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Male Total Forehead Reshaping

Background: The forehead occupies one-third of the face’s surface area. It also has a lot of animation effects from changes in eyebrow position and the creation of various horizontal and vertical wrinkle lines. But short of motion the shape of the forehead and the surrounding hair locations also impact the impression of one’s facial appearance. Read More…

OR Snapshots – Subfascial Placement of Temporal Implants

The one permanent and often most effective treatment for temporal hollowing is an implant approach. Temporal implants offer a smooth and volume-assured method for building out the anterior temporal aesthetic zone next to the eye. Of all the facial implants, it is the only one that augments muscle, not bone, and is very straightforward to Read More…

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