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Technical Strategies – Temporal Threadlift Knot Removal

A well known minimally invasive facial rejuvenation procedure is the thread lift. This term refers to a concept of lifting sagging facial tissues by placing special designed sutures that can grab onto the subcutaneous tissues to be pulled upward along the line of the suture placement. This occurs as a result of a tied knot Read More…

Triangular Vermilion Flap Transposition for Corner Mouth Lift

Surgical treatment of the downturned corner of the mouth has historically been associated with two common themes. First it is a procedure by history that has been largely done in age-related drooping mouth corners. (older patients) Two, it is a laterally-based procedure that lives visible scars with a high rate of adverse scarring. Both trends Read More…

OR Snapshots – Making A Tapered Chin Implant For Females

The chin implant is often perceived as a simple procedure with a high success rate. It is often a secondary procedure as a complement to a primary procedure, most notably rhinoplasty surgery. Placing an implant on a solitary projecting edge through incisional approaches that do not require trespassing through complex anatomy can make an aesthetic Read More…

Earlobe Reduction of the Age-Related Long Ear

The earlobe is a unique part of the ear in having no structural cartilaginous support. It is composed of skin and fat soft tissue only. As a result it is subject to a variety of deforming forces which can change the shape that it had earlier in life. One of these potential deformations is lengthening Read More…

Management Strategies for Lateral Pectoral Implant Displacement

Pectoral implants, although far less commonly done than breast implants, share some similarities with its more well known female counterpart. The implant pocket location is almost the same (submuscular) and the location of the incision is one that is often used in breast implants as well. (transaxillary) But beyond these two similarities the male and Read More…

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