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Technical Strategies – Elbow Wraps after Shoulder Narrowing Surgery

Shoulder narrowing surgery is accomplished by the straightforward concept of removing  a segment of the clavicle bone which pulls the shoulder inward. While there are certainly technical challenges in performing this surgery the operation is completed in about 2 1/2 hours. The formidable part of the  surgery to me is the postoperative recovery. Most patients Read More…

The Anatomic Basis of a Non-Incisional Medial Epicanthoplasty

Double eyelid surgery, most commonly associated with Asians, often has an associated epicanthal fold or web. This medial epicanthoplasty is often part of double eyelid surgery although it can also be performed alone. Many different types of tissue transposition techniques have been used to soften or eliminate it but no matter how it is done Read More…

A Quantitative Assessment of Ant Waist Surgery (Free Floating Rib Removal)

An adjunctive surgical procedure to liposuction and abdominal muscle plication for decreasing waistline circumference is rib removal surgery. Practiced by few surgeons around the world it is most traditionally perceived as removal of the floating ribs. (#s 11 and 12) The concept is that these lower ribs, which do not wrap attached the torso and Read More…

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