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The Step-Off Deformity in a Sliding Genioplasty

The sliding genioplasty is a well known chin reshaping procedure. Unlike its cousin, the chin implant, it has a much greater versatility than simply increasing horizontal projection alone. It can be done to create a multidimensional effect from increasing or shortening vertical height, increasing or dereasing chin width and in some cases even moving the Read More…

Profileplasty by Rhinoplasty and Sliding Genioplasty

While one does not see their face in a profile view naturally (only in pictures), the world sees your face in three-quarter view or in profile. Thus the perception of one’s own facial profile is important and it is stressed in many plastic surgery procedures. The two most important hard structures that make up the Read More…

Case Study: Extreme Chin Augmentation with Combined Osteotomy and Implant

  Background: Chin augmentation is a very common plastic surgery procedure that helps bring into balance the lower face with more projecting upper facial features. It is by far most commonly done with synthetic implants that provide varying amounts of increased horizontal projection as well as some width changes. Less frequently, sliding genioplasties (chin osteotomies) Read More…

The Aesthetics of the Chin and Its Relationship to the Face

The chin creates the dominant effect on the appearance of the lower face. Thus, it has a major effect on facial balance and appearance. When out of proportion to the rest of the face, it can create a perception that other facial features are the culprit when it is really at fault. Understanding the proper Read More…

Case Study: Correction of Bony Chin Asymmetry

Background:The lower 1/3 of the face or the jawline plays a major influence on the shape and appearance of the face. The position and shape of the chin is the dominant feature of the jawline, sticking out like the nose does in the central third of the face. When the chin is too weak or Read More…

Chin Narrowing by Lateral Tubercle Reduction

A square chin and jawline is considered desireable in a male but not so in a female. It is also deemed unattractive in certain ethnicities such as in the Asian face as well as in the male to female transgender face. Reduction of a square jawline is often perceived as that of the jaw angles. Read More…

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