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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Three Level Soft Tissue Cheek Reduction/Contouring

Background: Reductive soft tissue cheek procedures historically consist of the well known buccal lipectomy. While commonly performed its anatomic location and the extent of its effect on the midface is often under appreciated. When taken in the context of the trampoline concept of the midface, the buccal lipectomy is not a comprehensive cheek thinning/reductive procedure. Read More…

Combining Cheek and Jaw Reductions with Facelift Surgery

One form of facial reshaping is reduction for a slimmer, narrow or overall smaller face. Reductive facial reshaping procedures include bony operations such as cheek and jaw reduction. While these bony reductions are done intraorally, their effects are ultimately going to be seen based on how well the soft tissues shrink around the smaller bone Read More…

The Overlooked Perioral Liposuction Procedure in Soft Tissue Cheek Reduction

The buccal lipectomy is the most well known soft tissue cheek reduction procedure. While it can provide effective reduction of fuller cheeks, the extent of its effect is frequently misunderstood or overstated. (leading to unfulfilled patient expectations) The effect of the buccal lipectomy is best understood by where it is positioned in the midface. Sandwiched Read More…

The Role of the Buccinator Mucosal Myectomy in Soft Tissue Cheek Reduction

Soft tissue cheek reduction is most commonly associated with the well known buccal lipectomy procedure. Through an intraoral incision in the maxillary vestibule, the encapsulated buccal fat pas is accessed by passing through the upper fibers of the buccinator muscle. Once inside its capsule, the main body of the buccal fat pad is extracted after Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – The Tail of the Zygomatic Arch Osteotomy for the Wide Posterior Cheek

Background: Decreasing the projection of wide cheekbones can be done effectively by only one procedure, cheekbone reduction osteotomies. This well known procedure accomplishes this width reduction by a combination of anterior and posterior osteotomies The anterior osteotomy is done through an intraoral incision through the zygomatic body, the largest section of the cheekbone. The posterior Read More…

The Anatomic Basis of Cheekbone Reduction Surgery

Excessively wide cheekbones are a not uncommon facial feature that, although often mainly associated with Asian faces, can occur in all ethnicities. The concept of how wide cheekbones have to be to be considered excessive is an individual one. But anatomically they almost all share a significant or undesired convexity to the anterior portion of Read More…

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