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Facial Reshaping Surgery for the Male Model Look

Almost anyone in the world is aware of the recent tragedy in Norway with the mass killings of an incomprehensible number of Norwegian teens and young adults. The murderer Anders Breivik appears to have acted alone, driven by his white supremacist and anti-Muslin views. What has caught my attention as a plastic surgeon, however, is Read More…

The Removal Of Medpor Chin Implants

  The most common method of chin augmentation is to use a synthetic implant. While there are a large number of chin implant sizes and styles, the compositions of them are more limited. The two most commonly used materials for chin implants are silicone elastomer and porous polyethylene. (Medpor) Each has their own merits and Read More…

Getting Rid of the Double Chin Deformity

  The double chin is not truly two chins in the classic sense. Rather it is one upper chin (true chin) that is bony in nature and a lower chin that is really an accumulation of fat. (false chin) The development of fat accumulation can occur quite easily beneath the jawline in some people. For Read More…

Jaw Angle Implants for Men and Women

A more defined jaw angle is a not uncommon request of men, particularly younger men. I am seeing more of these patients recently than ever before. This is presumably driven by the desire for increased facial angularity and jaw line definition as seen in many male models. Surprisingly, I have also seen a few women Read More…

Chin and Jaw Angle Implants for Male Facial Enhancement

  The facial features most associated with masculinity is the chin and jawline. A stronger chin and jawline conveys increased masculinity, smaller chins and ill-defined jawlines convey timidity and weakness. While this perceptions may not always be true (and often aren’t), they certainly help create a first impression by their appearance. In today’s plastic surgery, Read More…

The Role of Chin Implants in Facial Enhancement

Chin Implants for Facial Enhancement In the pursuit of improved facial balance and shape, the chin is one of the most prominent facial features. When combined with the nose, these two protruding structures have great influence on the overall appearance of the face. We usually don’t give the chin much thought, until it is either Read More…

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