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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Submental Inferior Border Shave and Custom Chin Implant for Sliding Genioplasty Asymmetry

Background: The well known sliding genioplasty procedure can provide multi-dimensional changes to the projection of the chin. With a downfractured and mobile inferior chin segment, it can freely be positioned ‘out into space’ to accomplish the desired chin augmentation effect provided that rigid fixation is used to hold it there.  But with that downfractured chin Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Custom Infraorbital-Malar Implants for the Treatment of the Aesthetic Orbito-Zygomatic Deformity

Background:  Aesthetic augmentation of the midface has historically been done using a set of available standard implant shapes. Cheek and tear trough implants have their roles but are best used on top of a more normal skeletal framework for modest aesthetic enhancements. In more significant midface retrusions there is a comprehensive skeletal deficiency that can Read More…

Technical Strategies – Placement of Custom Infraorbital-Malar Implants

The custom infraorbital-malar implant is the definitive midfacial augmentation procedure of the eyes and cheeks. By creating a horizontal line of augmentation from under the eyes and extending out onto the zygomatic arch, it establishes a distinct high cheek bone look as well as improves undereye hollows. Between the size of the implant and the Read More…

Technical Strategies – Placement of the Custom Jawline Implant

The custom jawline implant is the definitive lower facial augmentation procedure. By wrapping around the entire border of the mandible from one jaw angle to the other, a more defined transition between the face and neck results. How much more evident the jawline becomes is a function of the size of the implant and the Read More…

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