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Technical Strategies – Repositioning of the Upper Ear in Otoplasty

Otoplasty for protruding ears is the most commonly performed aesthetic procedure of the external ear. Its technical execution has been described by a large number of cartilage manipulation techniques to make the ear less prominent. What is shared by every technique is that the goal is to bent the ear framework into a modified shape Read More…

Earlobe Setback Techniques in Otoplasty

Correction of prominent ears by a setback otoplasty, whether in children or adults, is a highly rewarding procedure for most patients. Numerous techniques have been described in how to reliably and permanently setback the cartilage of the protruding ear. None of these technique have proven to be absolutely superior over the others, indicating that any Read More…

The Dermal Anchor Technique in Setback Otoplasty

Correction of the protruding ear, known as setback otoplasty, has been around for well over one hundred years and numerous techniques have been described to treat it. Because so many methods have been described for the procedure this speaks to the observation that there is no one perfect way to do it. What separates these Read More…

The Dermal Anchor Technique in Otoplasty for Protruding Ear Correction

In the correction of the protruding ear numerous techniques have evolved over the years, all of which claim to produce good or improved ear shapes or less rates of relapse. Which each of these otoplasty techniques have a role in certain patients, good results are claimed with minimalist approaches to very aggressive cartilage reshaping techniques. Read More…

Surgical Reshaping of the Lying or Folded Back Ear Deformity

The appearance of the external ear is completely controlled by the shape of the cartilage that lies within it. Short of the lobule, any change to the ear requires manipulation of its cartilage framework. This is seen in the commonly performed setback otoplasty for protruding ears where bending of the cartilage moves it closer to Read More…

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