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Understanding Rib Removal Surgery with 2D and 3D CT scans

Aesthetic rib removal surgery is done as the ultimate or final effort to create a narrow waistline by horizontal reduction. While effective in the properly selected patient, it is a body contouring procedure that is highly misunderstood. There are many myths or misconceptions about the procedure and it is prone to hyperbole by both patients Read More…

The Scars from Rib Removal Surgery for Waistline Reduction

  The most aggressive procedure for horizontal waistline reduction is rib removal surgery. Once thought of as a fictional procedure or one that is too ‘dangerous’ to undergo, it is actually a safe and effective body contouring procedure. It may seem an extreme effort to remove portions of ribs for aesthetic waistline reduction but that Read More…

Clinical Outcomes in Rib Removal Surgery for Waistline Reduction

  Rib removal surgery represents the elimination of the last anatomic barrier for horizontal waistline reduction. When conventional non-surgical and surgical waistline reduction efforts have not achieved the desired result, one can consider rib removal. This makes anatomic sense since it can be palpated on one’s own waistline that when pushing in the tail ends Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Rib Removal Combined with Vertical Body Lift for Maximal Waistline Reduction

Background: Large amounts of weight loss create tissue redundancies throughout the body. To improve waistline shape the standard approach is either a frontal tummy tuck/panniculectomy or an extended circumferential body lift. (belt lipectomy) This horizontal tissue excision can remove a lot of loose tissues around the waistline. For most patients this would produce a satisfactory Read More…

OR Snapshots – Subtotal Rib Removal for Waistline Narrowing

Narrowing the waistline through surgery is most commonly done by two procedures. Liposuction works best when there is excessive fat such as having muffin tops or love handles. A tummy tuck can have a horizontal waistline effect but it is an operation whose tissue is greatest in the vertical not the horizontal direction. But without Read More…

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