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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Custom Skull Implant Correction for the Plagiocephalic Flat Back Of The Head

Background: Plagiocephaly is the most recognizable type of skull deformity. It is usually associated with infants and children because this is when non-surgical and surgical treatments would be most effective to partially or totally reverse the abnormal skull shape. But many more patients affected by plagiocephaly never receive treatment or fail to get substantial improvement Read More…

The Biologic Value of Perfusion Holes in Custom Skull Implants

Custom skull implants provide a contemporary method of aesthetic skull augmentation for a wide variety of head shape deficiencies. While the most common material for such custom skull implant is solid silicone, no skull augmentation material composition will allow tissue ingrowth. Tissue ingrowth  should not be confused with tissue adhesion. Tissue ingrowth is where an Read More…

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