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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Female Occipital Knob Skull Reduction

Background: The back of the head, known as the occiput, has many attachments and features as it encircles the foramen magnum inferiorly and ascends superiorly to become more visible. At its more superior basilar part there has numerous horizontal bony lines which represent attachments of ligaments and muscles. In the middle of these bony lines Read More…

Skull Bone Loss with Aging

Aging presumably affects every structure of the body to some degree which generally involves some loss of structure. This has become elucidated in the face over the pas decade where bone loss occurs throughout the facial skeleton and contributes to the overlying soft tissue laxity that develops. In the September 2018 issue of the Aesthetic Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Temporal Browlift and Custom Skull Implants

Background: Custom skull implants provide a new method for changing the shape of the head through their ability to add volume in a controlled preoperatively designed fashion. By definition this makes the scalp tighter. That is certainly true initially although some scalp relaxation undoubtably occurs later. This is well known to me as some skull Read More…

OR Snapshots – Parietal Eminence Skull Reduction

Skull reshaping entails a variety of different procedures to effect minor to major head reshaping. Such procedures can fundamentally be divided into either augmentative or reductive surgery. Skull reduction procedures mainly involve bone but can also include soft tissue as well in some cases. One such skull area is that of the parietal eminence. This Read More…

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