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Do Sliding Genioplasties Provide Any Oropharyngeal Airway Benefit?

Repositioning of the jaws is a well known method of treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with substantial forward movements. This works because the base of the tongue is pulled forward as dentoalveolar portion of the jaw moves forward and the soft palate similarly does so with the maxillary advancement. A smaller osteotomy on the lower Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Secondary Sliding Genioplasty and Submentoplasty for Limited Primary Chin Implant Results

Background: Chin augmentation is a commonly performed aesthetic facial procedure for which an implant offers a simple solution. While effective for some the dissatisfaction with chin implant surgery is not insignificant. Many a chin implant have been successfully placed, as defined by a non-infected postoperative course (surgical success), but the patient did not achieve their Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Sliding Genioplasty and Submentoplasty for Prior Failed Chin Implant and Neck Fat Injections

Background: The ‘debate’ between an implant and the sliding genioplasty for chin augmentation is an historic one and is often influenced by surgical specialty and patient preference. This debate can be largely irrelevant in modest chin augmentations where their aesthetic effects are more similar. But their aesthetic benefits begin to differ when the anatomic makeup Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Male Occipital Bun Skull Reduction

Background: The back of the head is commonly referred as the occiput even though this is not anatomically correct. The back of the head is actually comprised of the paired parietal bones superiorly and the singular central occipital bone inferiorly What separates the three bones is the inverted Y-shaped suture line, particularly the lambdoidal suture Read More…

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