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Technical Strategies – Opening Wedge Genioplasty with Custom Jawline Implant For The Vertically Short Chin and Jawline

Vertical lengthening of the chin is an interesting procedure that entails different considerations than traditional horizontal chin augmentation. It differs because the techniques to elongate the chin are not well known or used as the diagnosis of vertical chin deficiency is frequently overlooked. From a traditional standpoint vertical chin lengthening was perceived as only being Read More…

New Concepts in Chin Narrowing by Modified Osteotomy Design

Augmentation by an oblique sliding genioplasty is a highly successful procedure as it stretches out the overlying soft tissue chin pad. However when trying to do the same in reverse, or in any form of intraoral bony genioplasty where bony support is lessened (shaving, t-shaped genioplasty, reverse oblique osteotomy) the risk of soft tissue problems Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Vertical Lengthening Sliding Genioplasty with Custom Extended Jaw Angle Implants for a Total Jawline Augmentation Effect

Background: The ideal method for total jawline augmentation is a custom designed jawline implant. This works well for most patients but must be approached more cautiously when significant dimensional changes of the chin are desired. Because the enveloping soft tissues of the chin are tightly adherent over a solitary projection bony ‘point’, there are limits Read More…

Chin Implant Augmentation after Sliding Genioplasty

The sliding genioplasty is a common chin augmentation procedure that is well known. While highly effective at making horizontal and vertical dimensional changes to the chin, the ideal augmentation amount may not always be achieved. Just like that of chin implants picking the amount of horizontal chin increase is not an exact science. In desiring Read More…

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