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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Combined Head Reshaping with Custom Back Of Head Skull Implant, Sagittal Ridge Reduction and Right Temporal Reduction in the Shaved Head Male

Background: Flatness and asymmetries of the back of the head are some of the most common head reshaping concerns. This is particularly relevant in the male who has a shaved head or very closely cropped haircut. Such patients make up the vast majority of back of the head reshaping surgeries. Men early in their life Read More…

Technical Strategies – Submental Inferior Border Shave in Jaw Asymmetry

While the entire face can be affected by congenital asymmetry the lower jaw is commonly involved. Beyond the severe congenital jaw asymmetries which are associated with major brachial arch deficiencies (e.g., hemifacial microsomia) the far more common jaw asymmetries are more ‘aesthetic’ in nature. This means that the occlusion is fine and there may not Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Secondary Ultrasoft Silicone Testicle Implant Replacements For Smaller Hard Reconstuctive Saline Testicle Implants

Background: Saline-filled testicle implants are most commonly used for reconstructive in replacing the lost testicle due to trauma, tumors or torsion. While they do provide some bilateral fill of the scrotum they have several implant properties which are undesirable. These include a very hard feel due to the pressure of the saline in the implant Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Secondary Lower Facial Augmentation With Chin Implant Removal and Replacement With Custom Jawline Implant and Face/Neck Defatting

Background:  The most common historic and contemporary approach to lower facial augmentation is the chin implant. This is the first and oldest form of facial augmentation and the chin implant has undergone a variety of material and design innovations since its inception. Its popularity remains today as bringing forward the anterior projection of the lower Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Creating Feminine Curves Through Rib Removal Waistline Reduction and Fat Injection Hip Augmentation

Background:  Body contouring in the transgender male to female patient is fundamentally about creating curves which is associated with a more feminine appearance. There are a variety of procedures to do so including breast augmentation, waistline reduction and hip/buttock augmentation. Not every patient needs or wants all three areas treated although the best results comes Read More…

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