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The Anatomic Basis of Cheekbone Reduction Surgery

Excessively wide cheekbones are a not uncommon facial feature that, although often mainly associated with Asian faces, can occur in all ethnicities. The concept of how wide cheekbones have to be to be considered excessive is an individual one. But anatomically they almost all share a significant or undesired convexity to the anterior portion of Read More…

Fixation of the Anterior Osteotomy in Cheekbone Reduction Surgery

Cheekbone reduction surgery is indicated when excessive midfacial width desires to be reduced. It is a well known surgery that is done by cutting through the main body of the zygoma anteriorly and the thinner end of the zygomatic arch posteriorly. Plate and screw fixation is the best way to secure the inwardly repositioned posterior Read More…

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