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Sliding Genioplasty Reversals – When, How and By How Much

The sliding genioplasty is the bony chin augmentation method that has a very long surgical history. In the traditional method it is an angled bone cut from the middle of the chin backwards going below the mental nerve and ending at the inferior border. This creates a down fractured bone segment that can be moved Read More…

Secondary Fixation Hardware Removal After A Sliding Genioplasty

The sliding genioplasty is a commonly performed aesthetic facial procedure for those that prefer or need an autologous chin augmentation approach. There are numerous variations on how the chin bone is cut and moved for this operation but, in the end, they all need some method of bone fixation. Titanium plates and screws are the Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Sliding Genioplasty Replacement for an Inadequate Chin Implant Result

Background: Implants remain the most common form of chin augmentation due to their immediate effects and relative simplicity of the surgery. But chin implants have their limitations including the risk of infection, implant malposition and inadequate amounts of augmentation. When the postoperative problem is an inadequate augmentation result the question becomes whether to replace the Read More…

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