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Options for Natural Cheek Augmentation

One of the key features of an attractive and youthful face is the cheek area. The desire for fuller cheeks, however, is driven more than just by that of model and celebrity faces. Part of the aging process is losing volume (fat) in the cheeks and temple areas, creating more hollowed or gaunt type look. Read More…

Facial Reshaping Surgery for the Male Model Look

Almost anyone in the world is aware of the recent tragedy in Norway with the mass killings of an incomprehensible number of Norwegian teens and young adults. The murderer Anders Breivik appears to have acted alone, driven by his white supremacist and anti-Muslin views. What has caught my attention as a plastic surgeon, however, is Read More…

Cheek Augmentation and Facial Attractiveness in Men and Women

  It is well known that one of the major contributors towards the perception of an attractive face, albeit a man or a woman, is the proportion of certain features. Known as indicators of facial beauty, disproportionate and asymmetric features are the main reasons many patients seek plastic surgery procedures. One can debate endlessly why Read More…

Common Questions about Cheek Augmentation with Implants

  The appearance of a well-defined cheekbone helps provide a sculpted and youthful look as it provides midfacial prominence and give the appearance of a thinner lower face. Flat cheekbones can make a large nose look larger and a receding chin smaller. The cheekbones are one of the three convex prominences that help define your face, Read More…

Common Concerns about Cheek Implant Surgery

  A face that has good skeletal contours, which some would call sculpted, is desired by many young men and women. The appearance of high cheekbones is one important element of achieving such a look. Cheekbones create a well-defined face by creating an upper facial prominence which makes the lower face look thinner. Such a Read More…

Cheek Implants in Patients with Dentures

Cheek implants are an effective method for adding projection of various areas of the zygomatic midface. Because they are various shapes of cheek implants that are available, there is a fair amount of art as opposed to science in selecting style and size of implant to get the patient’s desired effect. Because these implants are Read More…

A New Technique for Reduction Malarplasty for Prominent Cheekbones

  The cheekbone or zygoma is one of the highlights of the midface area. Most Caucasians prefer a well-defined and prominent cheekbone which can be weak from congenital development or an injury. This is why cheek implants are a common cosmetic procedure in this population. Conversely, by comparison, Orientals prefer a softer facial contour but Read More…

Zygomatic Osteotomies in Cheek Augmentation and Cheek Reduction

  The cheek bone (zygoma) is a very valuable part of one’s appearance as it provides a prominent highlight and a width dimension to the face. It also provides support to the eyeball and serves as an attachment point to the tendons of the upper and lower eyelids. Some people have naturally broad or narrow Read More…

Cheek Implant Complications and Their Revisions

Cheek implants are one of the more common types of facial implants used for esthetic or reconstructive enhancement of the malar area. They are second in use only behind chin implants which are the most common implant placed on the facial bones. Like all implants, they have the potential for some complications such as infection, Read More…

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