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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Custom Skull Implant for Right Occipital Skull Defects from Infant Cranial Vault Surgery

Background: In pediatric craniofacial surgery one of the most known procedures is that of cranial vault reconstruction. Done for craniosynostosis and other severe congenital skull deformities, it involves the extensive removal of misshapen skull bones and their immediate reconstruction in infants and very young children. The success of these procedures is based on the remarkable Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study -Skull Reduction for Occipital Protrusion

Background: A proportionate shape to the skull is an important element to a pleasing appearance. These heads shape proportions can be disrupted by large areas of concavities (flattening) or convexity.(protrusions) Treating skull depressions or concavities can create greater amounts of improvement through material addition which is only limited by the stretch of the overlying scalp. Read More…

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