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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Testicle Removals with XL Testicle Implant Replacements due to COVID Induced Inflammatory Reaction to Scrotal Silicone Injections

Background: Silicone injections to the genitals (penis and scrotum) is a known method for aesthetic enlargement of these genital structures. While not an FDA-approved procedure or injection material it is often done outside the U.S.. Such silicone injections create their effect as the material is non-resorbable. The body has no known enzymes to break the Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – The Vertical Backlift for a Torso Cinching Effect

Background: The most commonly performed body tightening procedure by excision is the tummy tuck. Through a horizontally oriented excision of skin and fat the abdomen or lower anterior/ventral torso is tightened horizontally in the direction of the excision. As part of that procedure the vertically oriented rectus muscle/fascia is also tightened creating a bidirectional tightening/narrowing Read More…

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