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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Custom Thigh Implant Replacements

Background: Aesthetic body implants, excluding breast implants, strive to achieve muscular enhancements. The most common body implants are placed in the chest (for men), buttocks and calfs and because of their level of patient requests exist in standard shapes and sizes. Other muscles of the body can be augmented but with less frequent requests are Read More…

Technical Strategies – Placement of Custom Thigh Implants

The upper leg is not typically though of as capable of having any form of augmentation for an improved shape or muscular appearance. But the long longitudinal quad muscles do present an opportunity for subfascial implant placement. This is particularly relevant to the rectus femoris and vastus lateralis muscle groups which represent the largest of Read More…

Aesthetic Augmentation of the Upper Legs With Custom Thigh Implants

While the calf implant is the most recognized lower extremity muscle augmentation implant, it is not the only one. Often overlooked are implants for the  upper lower leg, specifically quad implants for rectus femoris and vastus lateralis and medialis muscles. While far less performed than calf implants that is undoubtably due to the lack of Read More…

Postoperative Instructions – Thigh Implants

Thigh implants are another type of extremity muscle augmentation that can be done. Using the longest and widest muscle of the anterior thigh, the biceps femoris, the implant is placed in a subfascial location through a small curved incision at its upper end. My top ten recovery instructions are as follows. 1. Thigh implants are Read More…

Aesthetic Thigh Augmentation with Subfascial Rectus Femoris Muscle Implants

The extremities are capable of undergoing aesthetic muscle augmentation using implants of which the most commonly done historically is that of calf implants. Today other extremity augmentations are also done in the upper arm for biceps and tricep implants. What all of these extremity implantation sites share is that of a muscle which glides inside Read More…

Technical Strategies – Pocket Dissection for Thigh Implants

Thigh implants offer aesthetic augmentation of the upper leg through subfascial implant placement of the biceps femoris muscle. This is the single largest muscle of the anterior thigh and thus creates the best opportunity for increased thigh size and definition by alloplastic insertion. Like all implants it requires a method of pocket dissection that is Read More…

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