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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Incisional Access in Male Facial Masculinization Infraorbital-Malar and Jawline Implants

Background: Many of aesthetic surgery procedures borrow from established reconstructive surgery techniques and then are modified and applied in a more aesthetic manner. Much of this re-application comes down to performing the procedure with less scar burden through smaller incisions. Such small or hidden incisions are especially important in all forms of aesthetic facial surgery. Read More…

Three-Level Custom Facial Implants For Total Facial Reshaping

Custom implants can be made for any region of the face and it is best think of them according to the facial thirds. For the mandible (lower facial thirds) custom implants are typically made for the chin, jaw angles or a total jawline implant. For the middle third (midface) custom infraorbital, malar, infraorbital-malar and midface Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Custom Jawline Implant Replacement for Standard Chin and Jaw Angle Implants

Background: The most common methods of lower facial (jawline) augmentation are either non-surgical temporary injectable fillers or permanent surgically placed implants. The use of standard chin and jaw angle implants offers a convenient option for permanent jawline augmentation that requires no significant presurgical preparation with fairly low implant cost. It is also the surgical jawline Read More…

Contemporary Understanding of Facial Implant Bone Imprinting By 3D CT Scans

One of the most common misconceptions about facial implants is that they cause bone erosion. Most of this perception comes from the appearance of the bone in profile in chin implants on lateral cephalometric x-rays going back many decades. Other perceptions of this phenomenon are from surgeon’s observation during chin implant removal and/or replacement where Read More…

The Submental Incision in Custom Jawline Implant Placements

The custom jawline implant is the most powerful implant enhancement for the lower face. Often called a wraparound jaw implant its effectiveness is based on augmenting the entire inferolateral border of the lower jaw in a 3D fashion, a feat that can not be accomplished by any other surgical technique. This is best appreciated when Read More…

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